Software Defined Networking (SDN) & Network Functions Virtualization (NFV)
Course Features
Course Details
Software Defined Networking (SDN) & Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) GIN5L09
Durée totale du cours: 21 H
Semestre : 5
Module complémantaire
Nombre de crédits : 2
Modules spécialisés | Modules de base | Sciences et techniques de l'ingénierie | Préparation à la carrière professionnelle |
X |
Nombre d’heures | Activités hors classe |
21 | 18 |
Code | : GIN5L08 | Software Defined Networking (SDN) & Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) GIN5L09 |
Hourly Volume:0h75 Integrated courses & 1h30 Practical work (per week)
Course contents
Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) are at the core of the dramatic transformation of today’s networks. SDN makes it possible to quickly deploy exciting and highly relevant new protocols, without requiring extensive hardware changes. Additionally, SDN makes it possible to implement complex functionality in the SDN controllers, thus reducing the cost of the network elements (i.e., switches and routers). The introduction of SDN is expected enable the Internet to scale to higher and higher data rates, while existing approaches to realizing higher data rates leads to excessive costs and power consumption. NFV aims to decrease the costs for network operators. NFV utilizes open source software running on commodity, off-the-shelf hardware rather than highly specialized, vertically integrated solutions produced by a small number of vendors. The combination of SDN and NFV makes it possible to quickly deploy new services for large numbers of users in both wired and wireless networks.
Teaching and learning methods
- Frontal teaching (masterful) with examples to solve together.
- Theoretical exercises and case studies (presentation and discussion).
- Practical work (laboratory)
- Work to be done at home (mini-project, presentation, report, etc.)
Bibliographic references
- A handout (Notes of the course) of the teacher will be available with bibliographical recommendations.
Books :
“Software Defined Networks: A Comprehensive Approach” by Paul Goransson and Chuck Black.
“Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) with a Touch of SDN” by Rajendra Chayapathi and Rajendra Chayapathi.
Items :
“Software-Defined Networking: A Comprehensive Survey” by Diego Kreutz et al., published in the “Proceedings of the IEEE” in 2015.
“Network Function Virtualization: State-of-the-Art and Research Challenges” by Shih-Chiang Tsao et al., published in “IEEE Communications Magazine” in 2014.
Technical Reports:
“Network Function Virtualization (NFV): An Introduction, Benefits, Enablers, Challenges & Call for Action” by ETSI NFV ISG.
“OpenFlow: Enabling Innovation in Campus Networks” by Nick McKeown et al., published by the Open Networking Foundation.
"IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks" (IEEE NFV-SDN).
"USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation" (NSDI), which often includes research on SDN and NFV.
Scientific journals :
"Journal of Network and Computer Applications" - This journal regularly publishes articles on SDN and NFV.
"IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management" - A trusted source for network management research, including SDN and NFV.
Websites and Blogs:
SDxCentral ( - An online resource that covers the latest news and research in the field of SDN and NFV.
Open Networking Foundation ( - The ONF offers documents and resources on SDN, including OpenFlow
Assessment method
- 40% Continuous monitoring (graded practical work, test, attendance, supervised duty, non-presential work, etc.)
- 60% Semester examination.
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to give the students a deep understanding of two important, emerging network technologies: Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV). After have accomplished the course the student should be able to:
- describe the key benefits of SDN, in particular those benefits brought about by the separation of data and control planes
- describe the SDN data plane
- explain in detail the operation of the SDN control plane
- configure an SDN-friendly network emulator
- program a sample SDN for a given task
- explain network virtualization
- describe techniques used for verification and debugging of SDNs
- describe Network Functions Virtualization components and how they work together
- describe the role and functionality of middleboxes in networks and how they are managed
- configure an example service using SDN and NFV
- describe techniques to enable applications to control the underlying network using SDN
- give examples of and describe current research problems within SDN and NFV